DNA Based Programming
This type of programming is truly the next level in the industry. We have the ability to not only help you understand your body on a science based level but we can help you connect the dots so you can finally start to understand the why behind the struggle! The trial and error method is not only discouraging but it is old news. With this method we know exactly how the body works so we no longer have to guess our way to success.
How does this work? Each client will be sent an at home DNA test that they will send off to an outsourced laboratory. Once you get your results back you will be provided with a full detailed report on what style of workouts are best for your body as well as what type of diet/workouts are best for YOU. The test also provides so much more valuable info than just that as well. Learning to understand how your body works so you no longer have to have fatigue, cravings, sleep issues, etc as well. It's about setting your body up with the right environment so you can not only get great results but so that you can actually just feel good as well. I struggled for a very long time with cravings, obsessing over food, mood swings, problems with losing body fat even when "dieting" and the trail and error method SUCKS. With this we can put the trial and error method to rest and do what your body actually wants and responds best to from day one! It's about working WITH your body not against it.
This is about giving your body what it needs to achieve optimal results as well as obtain optimal health. We are setting your body up to start working for you by giving it exactly what it needs.
If you are looking to make a legitimate sustainable lifestyle change and put the trail and error method to rest then this is the program for you!
Spots for this program are limited so pleased send a message if you have any questions or to check for availability. Please submit all inquiries and questions in contact box below.